Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I love birthdays. They are the days that people go out of their way to remind you that they are happy that you are alive. You get presents, and you get to ask for favors, and choose what to do. Basically, you get deferred to for the whole day. :) I'm finally 24. What adventures await me this year?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time to think

Now that Justin is out of my life, I have time to think. I have more time to myself, so I can go back to scheduling things, instead of being with him 24/7 whenever I had free time. Of course, my schedule is dependent on my work schedule, but I have something to do three days out of the week (although bible study is every other week). Monday. is bible study, Tuesday is Ladies night, Saturday is game night. Sunday morning is Church (when we get around to it. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are still open for suggestions though. If I could do something every day, I would be happy. Then, I could start building real friendships.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Being able to depend on just yourself is a beautiful thing. I hate needing other people. I hate it because they will always let you down. When you can do it all by yourself, you know that it will get done. There is no one to disappoint you. You can be proud of yourself, and feel strong. I have spent my whole life trying to be independent. Most people don't understand it. My parents least of all. I have tried to explain this to them, but they insist that I should be asking them for help. I admit, life would probably be easier if I got help for some things, but it seems to me that when I do end up asking for help, there are consequences that I am not prepared to face. I would rather take the consequences of NOT asking for help. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I don't need to elaborate, but I will. One of my favorite things about Justin is that he is so easy to turn on, and he is very vocal about it. A simple touch can have him moaning. A kiss, will make his day. It makes me feel good that I found a man that I can pleasure. I thought all guys I dated were going to be difficult, but not this one. :D He gives me confidence, and makes me feel sexy. He tells me that he loves my body, and that I turn him on. For most, this information is quite personal. But for me,to hear that from a guy, is sweet.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Good Friend

Sometimes, Walter is way too much for me to handle, but on days like this, he has really good advice. He makes me smile, and he makes me feel as though I can continue living without falling to pieces.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I love kissing. When I was younger, I read "Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul". In it was a page of things you should know....or something like that. It included silly things like, don't drink grape juice with a new white shirt on. It also included a line that said, "Kissing is the most fun thing. Dancing is almost as fun". It doesn't matter so much who is doing the kissing or why; its just really fun to kiss. When I was in high school and in my first years of college, I thought I would never get kissed or get a boyfriend. Now that I have experienced both things, I can't get enough. Kissing just makes me feel good. Sometimes it makes me feel more needy, and sometimes just one is good enough. It's like eating chips. Sometimes, one is good. Other times, you could eat the whole family size bag, and make yourself sick, but it isn't enough. Kissing someone with full, soft lips is amazing. They just melt into you. It's enough to make me want to give up chips forever.....almost ;)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Love

Is a great thing. I have a new boyfriend that I am crazy about.We have only been going out for roughly a day/ two days, but we have established a relationship that looks as though we have been together for a few weeks at least. Good, bad, or neutral?  I can't say. The only thing I can say is that he makes me feel amazing about myself. I can also say that he has made me lose sleep, and I need tonight, and tomorrow to catch up, so we are not going to hang out for that time, but we will be back together this weekend, most likely.