Friday, November 8, 2013


I went to work yesterday. YAY ME! I love going to work, even though I am frustrated right now, because I am new, and I am not catching on to things immediately. One of my supervisors made me page her over the intercom. That was so embarrassing! I enjoyed myself though. It was fun. Once I get more hours, and get used to the store, I will probably feel a lot less incompetent. In the meantime, I am enjoying dressing more grown up, getting paid every single week (even if I can't spend it on anything but bills), and being busy. Plus, once I pay off my bills, I will be enjoying some really nice discounts at the store with my credit card....speaking of credit cards, maybe I should go to Old Navy, just to keep my credit up. Of course, I would only spend a very small amount, which I would pay back immediately.According to an online source, I need to use all of my credit cards (two) at least once a year, to avoid having it be cut off due to inactivity. That would be bad for my credit, because it is based on the amount of credit available. For example, My Old Navy card gives me a potential grand a month (as if I would ever spend that much in a month!) and my Kohl's gives me five hundred at the moment. That is a total of fifteen hundred dollars of credit a month. If, however, I don't ever use my Old Navy card, it might get cut, so I would only have the available five hundred from my Kohl's card every month. From the perspective of the FICO people, that means that I went from being trusted with fifteen hundred dollars to only being trusted with five hundred dollars a month. If I just spend a few bucks a month on...say, socks, my card would be active, and I could be "trusted" with that full amount. Also, if I keep my card active, I get MORE credit. With Old Navy, I think I started out with three hundred available, then as I spent money, that number magically went up. I never asked for an increase, but I got one. I think that will happen with my Kohl's card and keep happening with my Old Navy card. If I trusted myself with a real credit card (I.E. a master card) I could buy virtually anything I wanted and keep my credit up that way. I want to wait until I am on my own for that, because then I could use it for  necessities instead of being tempted to go on a shopping spree for leisure items. It would then be easier to budget, because I would be spending the same amount, but just using different means.

I had no intention of writing a novel about credit cards, but I guess I just needed to get that out, so I could make room for other thoughts.

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