Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I love birthdays. They are the days that people go out of their way to remind you that they are happy that you are alive. You get presents, and you get to ask for favors, and choose what to do. Basically, you get deferred to for the whole day. :) I'm finally 24. What adventures await me this year?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time to think

Now that Justin is out of my life, I have time to think. I have more time to myself, so I can go back to scheduling things, instead of being with him 24/7 whenever I had free time. Of course, my schedule is dependent on my work schedule, but I have something to do three days out of the week (although bible study is every other week). Monday. is bible study, Tuesday is Ladies night, Saturday is game night. Sunday morning is Church (when we get around to it. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are still open for suggestions though. If I could do something every day, I would be happy. Then, I could start building real friendships.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Being able to depend on just yourself is a beautiful thing. I hate needing other people. I hate it because they will always let you down. When you can do it all by yourself, you know that it will get done. There is no one to disappoint you. You can be proud of yourself, and feel strong. I have spent my whole life trying to be independent. Most people don't understand it. My parents least of all. I have tried to explain this to them, but they insist that I should be asking them for help. I admit, life would probably be easier if I got help for some things, but it seems to me that when I do end up asking for help, there are consequences that I am not prepared to face. I would rather take the consequences of NOT asking for help. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I don't need to elaborate, but I will. One of my favorite things about Justin is that he is so easy to turn on, and he is very vocal about it. A simple touch can have him moaning. A kiss, will make his day. It makes me feel good that I found a man that I can pleasure. I thought all guys I dated were going to be difficult, but not this one. :D He gives me confidence, and makes me feel sexy. He tells me that he loves my body, and that I turn him on. For most, this information is quite personal. But for me,to hear that from a guy, is sweet.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Good Friend

Sometimes, Walter is way too much for me to handle, but on days like this, he has really good advice. He makes me smile, and he makes me feel as though I can continue living without falling to pieces.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I love kissing. When I was younger, I read "Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul". In it was a page of things you should know....or something like that. It included silly things like, don't drink grape juice with a new white shirt on. It also included a line that said, "Kissing is the most fun thing. Dancing is almost as fun". It doesn't matter so much who is doing the kissing or why; its just really fun to kiss. When I was in high school and in my first years of college, I thought I would never get kissed or get a boyfriend. Now that I have experienced both things, I can't get enough. Kissing just makes me feel good. Sometimes it makes me feel more needy, and sometimes just one is good enough. It's like eating chips. Sometimes, one is good. Other times, you could eat the whole family size bag, and make yourself sick, but it isn't enough. Kissing someone with full, soft lips is amazing. They just melt into you. It's enough to make me want to give up chips forever.....almost ;)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Love

Is a great thing. I have a new boyfriend that I am crazy about.We have only been going out for roughly a day/ two days, but we have established a relationship that looks as though we have been together for a few weeks at least. Good, bad, or neutral?  I can't say. The only thing I can say is that he makes me feel amazing about myself. I can also say that he has made me lose sleep, and I need tonight, and tomorrow to catch up, so we are not going to hang out for that time, but we will be back together this weekend, most likely.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Making New Friends

Last night, I went to game night again. That always serves to brighten my life up. After gaming at Whole Foods, I went with Paul to John S's house, and we played this new game with heroes and villains. It was the height of nerd-dome, but oh so fun. I felt a little bit bad, because I basically expected him to give me a ride home, and I didn't think about the fact that he had his daughters with him. Paul ended up giving me a ride home, but I just felt bad. I need a vehicle soon, so I can start being more self-sufficient. Anyway. I had a great time. I am still adjusting to getting home late, but I'll get there. Kohl's will certainly help LOL.

Friday, November 8, 2013


I went to work yesterday. YAY ME! I love going to work, even though I am frustrated right now, because I am new, and I am not catching on to things immediately. One of my supervisors made me page her over the intercom. That was so embarrassing! I enjoyed myself though. It was fun. Once I get more hours, and get used to the store, I will probably feel a lot less incompetent. In the meantime, I am enjoying dressing more grown up, getting paid every single week (even if I can't spend it on anything but bills), and being busy. Plus, once I pay off my bills, I will be enjoying some really nice discounts at the store with my credit card....speaking of credit cards, maybe I should go to Old Navy, just to keep my credit up. Of course, I would only spend a very small amount, which I would pay back immediately.According to an online source, I need to use all of my credit cards (two) at least once a year, to avoid having it be cut off due to inactivity. That would be bad for my credit, because it is based on the amount of credit available. For example, My Old Navy card gives me a potential grand a month (as if I would ever spend that much in a month!) and my Kohl's gives me five hundred at the moment. That is a total of fifteen hundred dollars of credit a month. If, however, I don't ever use my Old Navy card, it might get cut, so I would only have the available five hundred from my Kohl's card every month. From the perspective of the FICO people, that means that I went from being trusted with fifteen hundred dollars to only being trusted with five hundred dollars a month. If I just spend a few bucks a month on...say, socks, my card would be active, and I could be "trusted" with that full amount. Also, if I keep my card active, I get MORE credit. With Old Navy, I think I started out with three hundred available, then as I spent money, that number magically went up. I never asked for an increase, but I got one. I think that will happen with my Kohl's card and keep happening with my Old Navy card. If I trusted myself with a real credit card (I.E. a master card) I could buy virtually anything I wanted and keep my credit up that way. I want to wait until I am on my own for that, because then I could use it for  necessities instead of being tempted to go on a shopping spree for leisure items. It would then be easier to budget, because I would be spending the same amount, but just using different means.

I had no intention of writing a novel about credit cards, but I guess I just needed to get that out, so I could make room for other thoughts.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Feeling Up

The last few days have been difficult for me, because I missed game night, and therefore a very important socializing time for me. Thus I was feeling neglected and unwanted. Today, I am feeling better, because I went to a Stars and Rainbows event, and socialized there. I shall have to continue to socialize with them, when I can, so as to avoid feeling left out. Also, the ladies (and gentlemen) there are quite nice and fun to be around. It can be somewhat annoying to go, because everyone seems to be paired up (or old) and I seem to be the only confused, young, single woman there. Game night is still loads of fun. I think both of the Johns are trying to start up their own game nights, hopefully on non Saturdays, so that I have more to do during the week, while I am not busy. Of course, once work and school start getting more intense, I will have plenty to do, and will not be so bored and apt to depression. Then, in the Spring and Summer, events will start up again. Once that happens, I will have plenty to do, even if I don't have anyone to do them with.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Ramen is crap food. I have known this for years. I still occasionally get a craving for it though. I can go months without eating it, then BAM! one day I just get a compulsion to buy a bunch of packs, and I am addicted all over again, but it doesn't last long. Once I run out, I feel sad for a moment, but I am soon thinking of other things. Right now, I have three packets of shrimp ramen burning a hole in my closet. See ya!

Friday, November 1, 2013


is a great day to shake off the "I'm bored" blues. I spent the morning at work...(tee hee) and the evening with some new friends at the Old Mill. We wandered around judging all of the costumes, while the kids ran every which way to get candy from the stores. Then we went into an empty store to pet the reptiles. XD after that, I went home and was in charge of the candy bowl for the trick-or-treaters. It was pretty fun.At first, there were hardly any kids, but things gained momentum and I sat outside with Mosa and handed out the candy until about 2100 when I ran out. I saw so many great costumes. I saw everything from minions, to the mad hatter, to mine-craft and Darth Vader. I dressed up as Waldo, and had several people 'find' me. It was a great way to meet people. At one point, while I was walking around the Old Mill, someone shouted out, "I found Waldo!" So, of course, I did what I had to. I shouted back,"No you didn't!" and sprinted to the nearest store. :D I am so proud of myself.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Love New Projects

My friend Naomi has commissioned another drawing from me. This time, she wants a more realistic drawing. YAY! I am slightly nervous, because I have never done a realistic drawing for anyone before. She has always asked for cartoons. I hope I do her idea justice.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

"Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, then it is not the end."

I love this quote. It is a quote that gives hope. It is similar to the verse that says that all things work out for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (I didn't put quotation marks on that because I am too lazy to make sure I wrote it correctly)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Three Jobs? Am I crazy?

Probably. I just interviewed at Mt. Bachelor, and I have orientation for the school district on November 13th. So if I get the job at Mt. Bachelor, I will have three jobs. Of course, I doubt that I will be taking many days at the school district, since I will eventually be working full-time or more between both jobs. I hope I can handle it all. If I don't get the job at Mt. Bachelor, I will only be mildly disappointed, because it is a good job, but I do already have one. Personally if I had a choice between the two, I would choose Bachelor, because it is a longer season, and something fun to put on my resume. On the flip side, Kohl's is warm and dry, and has a potential to become more than a seasonal job. I guess we just have to wait.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I Finally Got Hired

Know what the best feeling is? Acceptance. Even better? Getting paid for it....or getting a hug and a kiss from someone you care about, but mostly the part where I get hired at Kohl's. :) I still have an interview on Saturday with Mt. Bachelor. I will be asking them how they feel about me having a second job, and how flexible they are with schedules. If that works out, then I will have two jobs to keep me busy.

Things I Love

  1. Dancing
  2. The smell of rain
  3. Grass
  4. Going swimming
  5. Horseback riding
  6. Doing something fast
  7. Doing something new
  8. Doing something that not very many people (or at least my friends) do
  9. Proper grammar
  10. Reading
  11. Kissing
  12. Snuggling up under warm blankets
  13. Feeling pretty
  14. Wrestling
  15. Singing and dancing badly with friends
  16. Drawing
  17. Knowing all the words to a song
  18. Being silly
  19. Mischievous pranks
  20. Tickles (don't tell)
  21. Being fake mad at someone
  22. Thinking of someone that makes you smile
  23. Traveling on my own time schedule
  24. Wandering
  25. Exploring
  26. Accomplishing something difficult
  27. Being barefoot
  28. FOOD
  29. Making people laugh
  30. Learning a new skill
  31. Talking to my dog as though she is human
  32. Working hard
  33. Sunny days
  34. Planker's BLTA
  35. Lists
  36. Making hypothetical plans
  37. Watching the sunset
  38. Holding hands
  39. Going to a scary movie with a guy friend, so that he can "protect" you
  40. Surprises
  41. Blogging (even if no one reads it)/ writing
  42. Finding new things and people to love

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Shevlin Park

I went with Victor to Shevlin Park yesterday. I can't decide if I should write more about how much fun he is to be friends with, or if I should write about the park. Well, the park was beautiful. We walked a ways and found a nice place near the river to lay my blanket down. We spread out our food and had a nice lunch right there. I have always wanted to have a picnic lunch like that. He took lots of pictures of the scenery, and a few of us together. He even posted a very couple-y picture of us to Facebook. It was so warm, that I almost felt silly in a long sleeved shirt. We did some balancing on logs over the river, and snuggled. It was a very good day. Hopefully, we will be hanging out tomorrow or Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I Love

I have a very high capacity for love. I do. It's a blessing and a curse. For those that just need a little love in their lives, I am the one that will sit and listen without judging. If you need a hug, I will hug you no matter who you are. The problem comes into play when I need a little love. I go overboard. I love everyone. I don't discern. Of course I have a "perfect guy list" in my head, but as log as someone is not a jackass, and seems to like me, I will like them back. There are a FEW things that I will not accept. For example, if a guy is really old, I won't be attracted to them. Same with really young. If you are overly aggressive, nope. If you smoke or if you drink excessively, I will not be attracted to you. If you are a wimp, I probably won't like you. If you are a snob, I definitely won't like you. I think that's it. As long as you are polite, down to earth, somewhat wholesome, and at least sort of in my age range, then I will probably fall for you whether I want to or not. If you have any features that are on my mental list, then I really have no chance.

Anyway. Having a large love tank is a blessing most of the time.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I finally went back to church. No panic attack. Yay! I was really tired though. I felt bad because I was fighting sleep the whole time. I was in the middle of breakfast when my dad came downstairs and I had about two minutes to get ready. Luckily I can get ready in very little time. Church always feels like forever. Worship started at 10:30. Preaching started at 11:00 and wasn't over until after noon. It was about an hour long, but it felt longer.
Sunday notes.  Encouragement.

Text: Matthew 6:9-15

9 Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. 10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. 11 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. 13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “Surely I will bless you and multiply you.” 15 And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.

We must train to avoid discouragement. A call for maturity.expectations for stages of maturity and development in Christ.

2 Peter 1:3-8
. 3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. 8 For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The order is important
Brotherly affection

1 Peter 1: 9
For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.

Keep these qualities sharp

I know most people don't care about my notes, but I am really proud of myself today for going and (trying to) paying attention. After church, my family and I went to a sushi place for lunch. The funny thing is, that was the third time I have been to a sushi place this week. Tomorrow, I am excited to go hang out with Victor again, because he is taking me to where he works, and we are going SWIMMING IN FALL! Because of this, he is now my favorite person. Okay, not really, but I am super happy and excited.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Palina Falls

My mom and I have been there before, and it is beautiful! We went with a friend and her dog yesterday. I don't really like my mom's friend, but I tried not to let that get me down.

Friday, October 11, 2013

New Friend

OMG!!!! I just met a friend from craigslist. I know that sounds super shady, but it turned out really nice. He has a strong Spanish accent, but I don't have much trouble understanding him. After all, I grew up with quite a few friends that had really strong Spanish accents. I am more than used to it. Besides, maybe he can help me with my Spanish? Besides, he is super gorgeous. That makes up for any frustration I might have over his accent. LOL He lives half an hour away, but says that he comes to Bend a few times a week, so we could hang out when he is here. Or whenever. He doesn't seem to have a problem with the drive. He has a great sense of humor, and we get along very well. He is actually a lot like me in several ways. He is asexual (which for him means that he doesn't care about sex). He isn't into drugs or alcohol. He is funny, but socially awkward. According to him, he can't dance, but we shall see. He also loves to be active outside. :) I am so comfortable with him. Although there is some inevitable sexual tension, I feel like I can trust him not to push my comfort level too much. I really like that. More next week when we get together again, but probably on my other blog. :p

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Emotional Rollercoaster

I have honestly been feeling down lately. I am trying to rectify that, but for today, I am going to post an experience that makes me happy.

While I was still living in San Diego, I volunteered at DCS (Deaf Community Services). I helped the receptionist with clients that came through the door. The job was challenging, but I did okay. I think I went in once a week. I answered the VP (video phone) and the telephone. I helped clients fill out forms, and I informed counselors when their appointments showed up. It was a very happy, challenging, fulfilling time in my life.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The admission process with WGU is going well. I did have a small snag with financial aid, but I hope to have that resolved by the end of the week. I still have three weeks to get everything in order, so I am having a rare moment of calmness. Normally, I would be stressing out that things aren't already 100% taken care of and that I can't do all the steps in one day. I don't feel like that. Even though, I still don't have a job, I feel like everything with college is perfect as of right now. I don't know what to do about a job. It's hard to think about.

I noticed that my posts are kind of blah. Technically, they do follow the rules of putting something positive everyday (when I remember), but I feel as though they aren't what I envisioned it to be.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


My parents went away for the weekend. They aren't coming back until Tuesday. They left the truck, and twenty bucks, and a few really cool dinners.

As I have said before, I have been on my own twice. The first time half counted because I had someone making meals for me. I guess, if I count living with Walter and his mom, three times. I love being on my own. My parents leaving only reinforces that fact. I might want a big dog to keep me company, but no humans. I know that once I can afford to live in a place by myself and pay all the bills on my own, I will be extremely happy. I know that my parents would say that I am not responsible enough to take care of a home, but what they don't know is that I only slack on the chores when they are here. When I am on my own, I am far less lazy. I take the dog on a walk, I dress myself appropriately for my age, I keep the house clean, and I eat healthy food. When other people are around, I don't want to do anything at all. It might be a stubborn/ pride thing, but it is 100% true. It happens consistently.

I am going to love this weekend!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Trying to be positive

can be very challenging. I have had two boyfriends in my past that "count". My first relationship and the one before my most recent. Aside from them, I have had several men with which I had a relationship lasting a month or less. They don't "count". Today, I will focus on the two that make me smile the most. My first, with Sevan, was sickly sweet and mostly experimental. We never did "it", but we did have our romantic moments. Eventually, we realized that our differences made us incompatible, and parted ways. The second relationship was with Sgt. Connor Jennings of the Marine Corp. Our relationship was not that long, but it was my version of ideal. He was a leader, a gentleman, and had all of the personality traits that I was looking for in a man. Unfortunately, he had to move to the east coast. He made the choice to break up with me, to save us from growing apart. It killed both of us to do it, and we both bawled our eyes out like babies, but he left. Since then, I was in a short term relationship with a guy from the air force. He was ok. Nothing really special, and had several big flaws. When he moved (damn military), I was upset for a few minutes, and then I moved on. I am still not over Connor however.

My whole reason for posting this was to point out that I have been in loving relationships, and that I am attractive to the opposite sex in some regard.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


As much as I hate being told that something I planned for did not work out the way I wanted, I have found that my personality lets me move on pretty quickly. for example, I was denied financial aid. I found out how I could pay for school. I also decided to do online schooling as opposed to on campus school. It is cheaper and allows me more freedom to live where I want and get a full time job, if I want.  This is how I will succeed in life; by being adaptable. I do tend to get depressed by bad news, but I think I bounce back fairly rapidly. It takes me a week at most to assimilate big news, and decide on a course of action. It makes me strong.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Today is Monday. I skipped yesterday because I was feeling tired and short of breath all day. I think it has something to do with the weather. It was raining off and on all weekend. I tried to get out and exercise, but it didn't really happen. That made me lazy all day, which led to me eating a lot of crap. Eating crap makes me feel sick and panicky. I am still suffering from it today, but I am doing better.

On to good news. I have been contacting schools (including CSUN) to figure out my options. I might still be able to finish at CSUN, but most likely, I will finish at an online university with a BS or BA in elementary education. I have found some good options as far as that goes, so I don't feel so trapped. As frustrated as I am to be stuck with regards to my education, I do have to stop and be grateful that I had the opportunity to go to college at all.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


This doesn't in any way make me unique, but I love when it rains. I love the smell, I love being in the rain- as long as I don't get too cold. I love turning the heater on in the house, or cuddling up in front of a fire to get warm. I also love the rain, because it provides a small excuse to get nothing done. :) Of course, if it is something important, that still needs to get done. Something small, like dog walking, can be blown off though.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I may not be an artistic genius, but I am skilled at sketching. I have been drawing horses since I was in at least second grade. I am not exaggerating. I have proof. Because of this, I have been able to expand my artistic skills to other things I want to draw. I am becoming better at drawing people and dogs. I am not sure if I actually have an artistic "gene" or if just the sheer repetitiveness has made me improve? Either way, it makes me happy, and occasionally it makes other people happy as well.
This is what I thought a horse looked like, when I was in second grade.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


No, not what you do when you feel sick. I am referring to the shaggy Asian bovid. I finally got to buy some (much to the chagrin of my bank account that is back to less than a dollar-again) yesterday at the farmer's market. I spent the time grilling yak burgers last night, and I had so much fun making it. My mom said that she liked it, and my dad said that he would try it. Not sure if he did or not. Either way, I can cross that off of my bucket list. Next would be either elk, or bison, or rabbit, etc. Until I have tried so many meats that it no longer registers as unusual.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Yesterday was a very confusing day for me. I spent the day looking for a psychologist online. My mom helped a bit, and then I told my dad when he got home...I forgot to post because I was so overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do for most of the day. It really threw me off. The good news is that I did as I was told and got it done.

As for today, I am reminded that even if I don't have a bunch of friends, I do have one friend that has been there for me through a lot of bad times. I have known Walter most of my post-high school life. No, he is not perfect. after living with him, I have learned not to idealize him anymore. He is a person with flaws, just like everyone else. I will say that he is the closest I have come to finding someone who is perfect for my life (not romantically). I love him, and I am so glad that he was wearing that ASL shirt, or I might not have ever gone up and talked to him. That stupid shirt saved my life. :)

Monday, September 23, 2013


The title says it all. Delicious, good for your body, fun to eat, and a great stress reliever. I buy coconuts every once in a blue moon, because I am almost always too broke to buy it.

One of the things I enjoy the most about coconut, is the fact that you get to smash it. After a very stressful day, I took great pleasure in throwing my little coconut as hard as I could at the ground. Then I calmly picked up the pieces and walked inside to enjoy my treat.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Following the Crowd

I found this picture online, and I thought that it was very profound.
I realize that I am better at making friends and meeting people than I was when I was younger. This is amazing for me to realize, because I was under the impression that I was getting worse. When I was in high school, I had my first real crush. I was so over the top, because we were friends, but I realized that he did not like me back. :( I continued to flirt with him anyways, until he moved out of the city. I looked around, and noticed other girls with boyfriends. I noticed friends hanging out, giving gifts, making plans, studying together, and wondered why that wasn't happening to me. I did have great friends in High School. Don't get me wrong, but it was more along the lines of 'friendly' than actual friends. I had one "Best Friend", and one or two people that I spent time with occasionally outside of school. I have noticed that I was different since about fourth or fifth grade. Even though people liked me, they never seemed to like me enough to ask me to hang out with them. As I entered college, I had a different problem. I had people that wanted to hang out with me, but we would stop hanging out after the semester ended. Either that, or they were the "wrong crowd". Eventually, I found my niche with the people in my major, since we had multiple classes together each semester. It made me feel good to realize that I finally found people that I could relate to. I had my first kiss just after my 21st birthday, and was in my first relationship September 2011. Since then, I have been in a few almost relationships, and one really amazing relationship. 

That being said, as I go through life, I meet people and they help me grow. The reason that I wrote this here is that I want to remind myself that even though I don't have people texting me 24/7 or "liking" my statuses on Facebook, doesn't mean that I am unloved, or unpopular.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Board Games, Not Bored Games

One thing that I have done to improve my quality of life, is join a group on meetup.com. I joined an art group, a group that supports LGBTQ individuals, and- last but not least- I joined a group of people that get together every Saturday night, and play board games together. They are such a fun group of people. Tonight is no host night. That means that we bring our own games to play. I am bringing Phase 10, and possibly Backgammon. I can't wait.

Friday, September 20, 2013


It is almost the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are the two days that I can have a legitimate-ish excuse to be lazy and not look for a job. Today, however, I still have things to do.

The reason that my life is amazing today, is that I am getting really far in training the dog. I say "the" dog, as opposed to "our" dog, or "my" dog, because my mom has made it abundantly clear that Mosa does not belong to me. Zoe did. We bought her together before I moved out for the first time. I can do whatever I want with Mosa, but I have no authority over what happens to her. Any way, I don't want to start complaining, so I will stop there. Today, I took  Mosa on a really long walk, and we went to the dog park near my house. She behaved so well. I was swollen with pride.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just A Lazy Day

I am tempted to complain, but since this is a blog about the great things in my life, I will refrain.

Since it is still early today, there is nothing yet that has happened to post. That being the case, I will write about my past.

I love to travel. I have been to many places. I have been to Europe, Mexico, Hawai'i, and all over the United States. Now, I don't remember every place I have visited, and I am far from saying that I have been everywhere in the US. I will say that, so far, there is nothing preventing me from wanting to explore more. One day, I will take a cross country trip with some friends, and visit all of the popular places, and then go to some places that we decide. That way, we can feel so cool when people ask where we went.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Say Cheese

What better way to tell people that your life is interesting, than by telling them that you spent the day selling and eating cheese? Every Wednesday, I go to the farmer's market downtown. There is a guy there that sells cheese, and I am always hanging around his stall, so today he asked if I wanted to help sell the cheese. It was so much fun. I learned about running a farmer's market business, and met some amazing people. I hope he asks me to help again next week.

Because I am an adult

Normally, I complain about being an adult, but there are a few times in life that I am happy to be one. For example, even though the situation is quite overwhelming, I am glad that-as an adult- I can take care of my financial problems by myself. I currently have debt that has gone to collections. After having my parents try to help me and fix it, I just called collections, and tried to work with them. The outcome is not my ideal situation, but at least something is happening. I hate that it got this far, but hopefully soon, I can remedy the situation, and be proud of myself. If my insurance accepts the bill, I should only have to pay about 25% of the bill. I can do that. If not, I can still pay the bill, but it will take much longer.

I am also happy for Worthy Wednesdays, and Wednesday Farmer's Markets. Once the mail comes, and I cash a check, I can go to the farmer's market and but some really good food. (And sample some not-so-good-food).

Once again, I am thankful to be living in Oregon; in a town that is big on outdoors, and fresh farm food.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In Sync

Good news! My mom (the shopper of the family) has decided to go caveman as well. Now, I don't have to worry about her buying well meaning crap. I still plan on eating the crap that she already bought, because waste is bad, but it shouldn't effect my plan. By the time that I eat most of the stuff that is Paleo unfriendly, it will be time to shop again. Plus, I am still working on breakfast. In October, I will be focusing on lunch. I can still eat whatever I want for snacks, supper, and dinner. By the time I get to January (moving month) I should be full Paleo. Here is my eating plan:

September: Focus on Paleo-friendly breakfast, and smarter choices for other meals. Anything else is a bonus

October: Focus on Paleo-friendly breakfast and lunch. Continue to make smarter choices during other meals. Experiment with new foods (i.e. elk or bison)

November: Focus on Paleo-friendly breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Try to have Paleo-friendly dinners too, but don't worry too much about it. Last month for CW snacks and desserts!

December: I am older and wiser. Eat all Paleo as much as possible. Experiment with new foods, and have fun! Don't worry if you slip up.

January: Plan a Paleo-friendly shopping list for CSUN. Don't let yourself fall into old habits. Invest in co-ops and try to find out about any farmer's markets in town. Don't worry if they don't have bison.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Primal Blueprint

       I have never considered myself normal. At times, this can be quite frustrating, but sometimes, it's quite nice. For example, if I were the normal twenty-something college student, I would think nothing of consuming coffee and Top Ramen all day.
       I actually like going outside and doing things. I never really got into online games and the like. I just don't like the idea of staring at a computer screen, and getting caught up in a fake world, when the real world has better graphics ;).
      I was in the middle of looking up "primal lifestyle" and "primitivism" in Google, when I stumbled upon something I had heard of before, but associated with dog food. That was "Primal Blueprint" Basically, it takes the idea of cave men, and the way they lived and compares it to the way we live in modern society today. There are ten "laws" to follow, and they are pretty easy. The rest is up to you.
I already talked about it in an earlier post on my blog, "42 reasons to be or not to be me..."
I bought the book, and have been reading it non-stop. I also have subscribed to a YouTube channel, staring an Australian woman that has been on the diet for the last 18 months. She is really energetic and fun to watch. I think I want to find an American that does it, just because it would be more accurate to my lifestyle. Believe it or not, there are a lot of differences between American living and Australian living.
That is my bit of awesome today. I am still deciding on a way to sign off. In my other blogs, I sign off by saying goodbye in another language. I have covered Spanish, French, and Italian....So, I guess

Arrivaderci <------ Italian

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Everyone's Journey is Different

I have a tendency to look at my life and say that there is not enough adventure in it. That is why I have started this blog. Every day, I will write at least one thing that makes my life interesting, amazing, fabulous, wonderful, etc. These can be past or present things. I will also post various quotes, pictures, and videos that I feel describe my life.

One thing that makes my life worth it, is that my parents live in Oregon. There are countless amazing places to go hiking, swimming near or under waterfalls, horseback riding, and everything that brings you closer to nature.

   Yesterday, my mom and I spent almost the whole day hiking with Mosa (my parents' ChowChow) we went to see this towering waterfall. I got to climb really close to it. The trail to the waterfall was very cool. It was not just the normal packed smooth dirt path. It was very interactive. It was bumpy, and windy (not with wind. The other windy- as in with many twists and turns), with steep sandy drops, and places that are very narrow. Much of it went over or under fallen logs. Closer to the falls, there was slippery, slimy, green moss that covered everything. We met these two older ladies that complained of being old and fragile, but cut through the trail quicker than we did! Even the road to get to the falls was fantastic. Lush green plants everywhere. The tall trees, and huge ferns, made me feel as though I were on a journey to some fantasy faerie land.

 I can't believe this place is real! My mom used a filter on the second one, but it really is that gorgeous.